Anyone else read the rubbish that was printed in AA & MN this week about the non-take over of DJR by Kees Weel?? I can't believe either magazine could waste space in there mags by printing rubbish about a rumour that was started by some bloody idiot on an internet forum. Could you imagine an older DJR fan out there & there are plenty of them out there, without access to the internet & not knowing of the ridiculous rumour that has been going around for some months now, picking up his or her weekly edition of AA or MN & reading that rubbish? You'd fall of your chair backwards. Not to mention the damage it has been doing to DJR & it's supporters. AS IF DJR, ONE OF THE BIGGEST & MOST SUCCESSFUL TEAMS IN AUSTRALIAN MOTORSPORT, WOULD SELL OUT TO THE WEELS. Surely the people in the know at these two motorsport mags should have known or done the research to find out there was no truth to this rumour before wasting space in there respective magazines quashing a rumour that was always very short of the mark.
Sorry people, but that's my gripe for the week!