Qld has 10 series wins in the last 11 years, . will this ever be allowed to happen again?
I heard a couple of Bloosers commentators on the radio tell us all out here that there was only one clean sweep and in every other series it was a matter of one tiny advantage mostly luck that gave Qld the edge, Kimmorley was one of them I think, and they also said the refereeing appeared to favour Qld a lot of the time ( couldn't be that it favoured fair play and penalised rough play though?) . . .To me it came across as sour grapes, and I don't think a Qld commentator has ever put down a Blues victory or a series of them by blaming the ref or luck, . . every player out there is giving their all, and Qld has had more to give.
Anyway, before next season there will be a lot of retirements on both sides, . . so it's all up for grabs again.